Thursday, April 21, 2011

The King's Speech

PROS:  Everyone loves a good underdog story (cue the Rudy chant) and this one is definitely unique.  It was odd rooting for an adult to "sound out his words" but Colin Firth was terrific.  I would have given him the Oscar too because Lord knows it can't be easy to carry a stutter the length of a film let alone listen to yourself for that long. 

CONS:  The film's biggest problem is that it's undeniably slow.  I wanted to love it--maybe because it won "Best Picture"--but I couldn't fend off my ADD.  I rooted for Firth but what he finally achieves isn't in the same ballpark as Rudy Ruettiger.  I mean he didn't even write the speech he's FINALLY able to stumble through!  The whole movie he's asserting that he has this voice people need to hear but when he's not cursing his stutter he's either crying on someone's shoulder or at a desk writing with one of those old-timey pens.  It begs the question, wasn't there ANYONE else better suited for the throne?

RATING: History buffs rejoice!  The rest of us will watch Rudy.

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