Saturday, April 16, 2011


PROS:  The movie starts on a high note.  It's split into three separate plot lines and you're immediately invested in each unique story.  You want to know how Matt Damon's character will deal with a debilitating gift, how Cecile De France's character will cope with a near death experience and how a young boy will recover after a devastating death in his family.

CONS:  The problem is you don't get any answers soon enough (or at times ever) and the character's story lines never intertwine until the ending scene of the movie.  By then, you've sat through an hour and a half of seemingly useless scenes and no longer care how it ends.  I'd like to talk to the editor of this movie to see why scenes like [Matt Damon digs through dresser drawer, chooses black shirt, holds it up to the light, and nods.  Fade to black] were left in the film.  There were WAY too many like that. 

RATING:  The only way to truly enjoy this movie is to mock it to death.

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