Friday, April 8, 2011

The Girl Who Played With Fire

PROS: The casting of the Noomi Rapace as Lisbeth Salandar is dead on--if you've seen the first movie (The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo) then this should be no surprise.  Anyone who's read the books will also be pleased to know that this movie--much like the first--follows the plot nearly scene for scene; line for line. 

CONS: First of all, Michael Nyqvist is no Mikael Blomkvist.  I can only assume he was cast simply because his first name kinda-sorta sounds like the lead character of this film.  Having said that, I think the movie's special effects and sound editing are its real downfall.  The action and fight sequences are amateurish--when compared to American action movies--and there's virtually no music accompanying any scenes.  No music means no tension and no tension means you've lost the most important element of this trilogy.  

RATING: See it only if you've read the books and can't wait for the American version.

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